Almost every recipe has qualitative attributes that provide important information about it. Often we are interested in how beautiful a recipe is, how expensive, how exotic, how spicy, etc. Mangia! provides a way to record this kind of qualitative evaluation: each recipe can have up to 63 different Ratings associated with it.
The Ratings are specified on a sliding scale between extremes. For example, the “Cost to Fix” Rating runs from “Cheap” to “Expensive”; “Spicy Hot” from “Mild” to “Fiery,” and so on. If you don’t like the labels of a Rating, or the name of the Rating itself, you can change them (although you shouldn’t change them so much as to alter their meaning). And, if the existing Ratings don’t quite fit the way you’d like to describe a recipe (say you’d like to mark the recipes that got a good response from your guests), you can make a new Rating scale by simply selecting New Rating... from the Pick Rating pop-up menu.